Unlock your ideas with the Solvey Project

Have you ever had an idea which you’ve wanted to share with the world? An idea which you felt would have an over-arching impact on society and the planet as a whole? Maybe you’ve identified a problem in society and have also figured out the solution that will remedy that problem? Ever wondered how to take the seeds of your idea and turn them into something that really flourishes? Well… here is your opportunity to have a voice; to receive the support that will help your idea grow and to have your vision well and truly heard.
Thanks to an incredibly inspiring duo named Dave Erasmus and Louis Cole you can now easily access that platform to shout out your world changing ideas in the loudest and most proudest way imaginable. Be creative, think outside the box and do something amazing today.

How does the Solvey Project work?

The Solvey Project is an exceptionally great way for all those who have an idea on how to positively impact the world, to finally let that idea be heard.
This is the second year in which the Solvey Project has ran, with last years event attracting worldwide submissions and generating heaps of interest. Last year the Australian based Non-profit organisation ‘One Wave’ were selected by Cole and Erasmus and their vision of use surfing in florescent to help tackle issues surrounding Mental Health, was thrust to the forefront of the whole Solvey Campaign.
This year the Solvey Project is even bigger, with seven ideas being selected and given financial backing and general support from the guys. Together both Erasmus and Cole have a social outreach extending into the millions and so this is a fantastic opportunity to give your idea that much needed exposure as well as expect help and advice to help turn it from a dream into a reality.
“We have all seen the reality shows pitching business ideas and performing pop artists but we wanted to create a show via YouTube that was community based, global and worth doing, so we are looking for small voices with big ideas, compassionate problem solvers who want to change the world. We want our kids to aspire to be brave, creative leaders not be limited to being just another pop artist or money maker.” – Dave Erasmus.
For more details, head over to the website: solvey.com

How I personally hope to get involved

As you, my dear readers, know – I am constantly travelling the world in my wheelchair, looking for cool and interesting ways in which I can challenge the stereotypes and preconceptions that come along when people view disability.
On my travels I have encountered many troubling things, from severely disabled individuals crawling around the dust and dirt of Cambodia because they lack the equipment they so desperately need, to hearing true stories of disabled babies being ‘given back to the river’ in a typical Ghanaian witch-doctor practice. I have also had the misfortune of dealing first hand with massive amount of prejudice and mistreatment in countries such as China and Russia.
I honestly want to do something about this. I would love to get to the heart of these prejudicial notions, to tackle them head on and to save the lives of millions of disabled people across the world – one small step at a time.

  • Education
  • Access to health care
  • Equipment and mobility aids for those who go without
  • Support for families with a disabled child
  • Protection
  • Improved social understanding and acceptance

It’s clear that this is an area which is close to my heart and I do need to formulate plans on how to effectively make this work. I’m a firm believer that multiple minds are better than just one – and so I would love to start a discussion about this vast extensive topic.
I will leave you with a sobering image that I took in Tainan, Taiwan; of a paralyzed man crawling on his stomach through the streets of a busy night market, as passers by hardly even notice.