Avoiding the cops in Pennsylvania

I know, I’m crap at keeping up to date with my blog. I’m sorry for any of you who actually noticed my absence. I suppose a good place to start would be from where I left off, last time. If you check my last post, I was explaining how I rather embarrassingly crashed my rental car whilst driving through the outskirts of New York City. If you haven’t already read about this hilarity, you can …

That time I crashed a rental car in NYC

After 48hrs in NYC I knew it was simply too expensive to stay there. Although getting around the city had been fairly easy in my wheelchair (apart from a few subway stations where the elevator was out of order), the cost of staying in any of the accommodation choices on offer was just way too astronomical. As for Couch Surfing in Manhattan – fat chance. So on my third day in New York I headed …

Homeless in NYC!

Just a quick note before today’s blog post, if you haven’t already seen the entry from yesterday then please click on the following link > goo.gl/9BDdnf < in order to catch up to where we’re about to begin from today! So, after a quality sleep at the Sofitel Hotel in Terminal 5 I boarded my rearranged flight and headed across the Atlantic Ocean to the USA! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous. …

First time I've ever missed a flight!

A little under three weeks ago I set off on a journey to the United States. This was my first visit in over twenty years, and when counting countries, I’d always included the US as I had actually been to San Francisco when I was 6 years old. But this trip to New York City was an opportunity to ‘officially’ check the USA off my list seeing as I was returning for a 2nd time …

One of the worst days I've had – British Airways to the rescue!

What started out as being one of the most emotionally challenging days of my life has quickly become one of the best travel experiences I’ve ever had. The day’s antics started a little over 24 hours ago, with a frantic trip across NYC as myself and Emilija tried to make it to Newark Airport in time for her evening flight to Oslo. We barely made it, however; a slight delay to her flight meant that …

Rio info-graphic – all you need to know ahead of the Paralympics.

If you’re planning a trip to Rio ahead of the 2016 Paralympic Games then you may be interested in finding out a little more about the city and all the planning which had to be put in place ahead of both the Paralympic Games and the currently ongoing Olympic Games. So without any further need for an introduction, here is an amazingly informative info-graphic which was put together by the awesome people at mybucketlistevents.com :

Spending some down time in Tirana, Albania.

Albania was by far the craziest country on our European road-trip to drive in. Cars seemed to have complete disregard for anything in the way of driving etiquette. At one point, whilst en route to Tirana, we witnessed a group of vehicles defy the traffic jam which had developed and opt to drive around a roundabout the wrong way – all of which occurred in front of some rather relaxed looking policemen who were all gathered in …

I learnt an important lesson

Over the past three weeks I’ve learnt some pretty important lessons and discovered things about myself which I didn’t even know existed. The first point that I picked up on from my whistle-stop tour of Europe is that I don’t like that style of travelling. Having to leave for a new city or country every single day seemed fun at first but the stress and tiredness that came with it soon started to take it’s …

An Incredible European Road-Trip: Part One

So far the road trip across Europe has been wildly success. We’ve visited 13 countries so far and accumulated over 2,500 miles on my brand new car (never before used before this trip). I’m writing this post from an apartment which we are renting in Albania, where four of us are staying, but the journey started with only myself and my brother as we set off from our hometown of Newcastle. Our first port of …

Adventures Ahead!

Aharr! I’m back – eventually. I’ve been a bit preoccupied with a whole host of different things, from University assignments, to exams, to side projects and writing jobs – which has all meant my blog has been put on the back-burner for a little while… but not any more! It’s ironic that the advice I always dish out to people wanting to get into the blogging game is to ‘just keep uploading’, but then here …