Adventures Ahead!

Aharr! I’m back – eventually. I’ve been a bit preoccupied with a whole host of different things, from University assignments, to exams, to side projects and writing jobs – which has all meant my blog has been put on the back-burner for a little while… but not any more! It’s ironic that the advice I always dish out to people wanting to get into the blogging game is to ‘just keep uploading’, but then here I am, going several days/weeks at a time with nothing new to post. I should really take a slice of my own recommendations from time to time!
So what’s new and where am I? Well currently I am in my hometown of Newcastle, in the UK. I’ve been here on and off for just over a month. I travelled to The Netherlands for a couple of weeks not so long ago for some exams but apart from that I’ve been spending some much needed catch-up time with friends and family. Hey maybe I should write a piece about Newcastle-upon-Tyne… now there’s an idea!
I have some fairly cool news to share with you guys. I just placed an order for a new car and once it arrives my brother and I are setting about on an epic road-trip adventure that’ll take us all the way from the UK to as far as Romania, and then around the bottom of eastern Europe, taking in the likes of Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and many, many more awesome countries along the way. We’ll first be calling by the Czech Republic to pick up a friend of mine – Peter, who’ll be joining us for most of the journey.
After around two weeks spent on the road we’ll swing back and head towards The Netherlands where we’ll collect my friend Eugene who is flying in from Sydney, Australia on the 15th of July. Together we’ll then head back to the UK for around a week, during which we’ll drive around as much of the British Isles as is possible. I’m not entirely sure on the plan just yet but I’d sure love to introduce Eugene to the likes of Edinburgh, Liverpool, Newcastle (of course), the Lake District, London, Cambridge and maybe even as far as Cornwall… but it all depends on time. Eugene’s only going to be here for three weeks, and during that time she also wants to take a whistle-stop tour around Europe. It’s going to be a tall-ask, but we’ll give it out best shot.
In terms of plans for after Eugene leaves, I have a number of options. Loads of friends have asked me to visit them, from as far away as Indonesia and Mexico to as close as Germany and Sweden. I’m enjoying the freedom of being able to wing-it, but one things for sure.. once plans are set in place, I’ll be covering all of my adventures here on the blog!
There’s also the competition which I ran several months ago – the one where someone could win a free trip with me around Europe, remember? Well, you may know already thanks to my Facebook page but the winner of that competition was a young dude named Luka, from Serbia. Not only is Luka a really cool guy but he’s also an aspiring film maker, and he pitched an incredible idea for a short featured film about travelling with a disability. I don’t want to give too much away but I really do hope that we can make this a big thing. We’ve also enlisted the support of a really cool director from South Africa named Dan Mace. Dan is friends with a number of really popular YouTube stars, such as Casey Neistat, FunForLouis and Ben Brown. Dan’s footage is incredible and his attention to detail is inspiring! I know that both myself and Luka are super pumped about the prospect of working with Dan at some point in the future. It’s just a working progress from here on out trying to source funding for the video – the concept is so huge that we need that extra backing to make it work fully.
So that’s it for now, not much else to tell you at this stage. I’ll be piecing together some other bodies of work in the coming days so keep your eyes peeled on social media for those once they’re done. I feel like it’s time to get on top of this backlog of work and really start to push my content out there. Leave it with me 😉