Halloween fright night: Spinal Surgery Anniversary.

October 31st 2001 – Halloween. I look to my right as I’m being wheeled down to theatre on a hospital gurney. People are busying themselves putting up spooky decorations ahead of a fancy-dress party later that evening. There’s a sort of calm before the storm. I, on the other hand, was anything but calm. Kicking and screaming – literally – I was scared for my life. I was 11 years old, and already had several …

48hrs in Inverness: An Itinerary

Inverness: a cathedral city like no other, steeped in Gaelic history and revered by all those that visit.  If the walls of the Highland’s capital could speak, they’d tell tales of political uprising, bloody battles, and even stories of the odd prehistoric burial ground.  There’s much to see and do in Inverness, and within this blog, you’ll find a rundown of suggestions, based on the 48hr I recently spent in the city.  First things first, …

Accessible Brussels: Top 10 Things To See And Do

Ah, Brussels. One of the finest cities in Europe, nay, the world. Famous for its Flemish art, delicious waffles, and one rather popular statue of a little boy urinating. But what does the Belgian capital have to offer when it comes to accessible Brussels? This post seeks to unlock some of the cities most accessible gems! Piecing together an accessible guide to Brussels isn’t an easy feat to achieve, due in no small part to …

The Negative Side to Travelling as a Wheelchair User

Seeing as it’s been quite some time since my last blog post, I thought I’d ease myself back into it by writing a piece on some of the less-advantageous aspects of travelling the world with a wheelchair. Truth be told, aside from flitting back and forth to the Netherlands for exams/dissertation business, I’ve not really had much opportunity to travel as extensively as I’d like in recent months. I’m aiming to put that right in …

Blogging from the middle of the North Sea – DFDS Ferry to Amsterdam

When journeying into mainland Europe I often opt to take my car with me; mainly for the overall freedom it provides me whilst I’m over there – and so I tend to take the DFDS Ferry from Britain onto the contintent. Travelling with the car means I don’t have to figure out the logistics of getting from A to B – which may be part of the fun, but is certainly time consuming. Getting my …

Naturist Swimming at Arlington Baths Club

Arlington Baths Club: Glasgow Nudist Swimming

Who would have thought there’d be nudist swimming in Glasgow?! A novelty experience for some, but certainly something to try at least once in your lifetime. When I arrived at the Arlington Baths Club I was nervous – extremely nervous. I’d been roped into trying naturist swimming thanks to an awesome Couchsurfer named Lindsay, who was staying with me. We found this unique experience as we were perusing the ‘What’s On in Glasgow’ guide and …

Accessible Romania: part two – with Sano Touring.

For those who read the first installment of this blog post: Accessible Romania : part one, welcome back. For those who haven’t – also welcome! Have you ever thought about visiting Romania? Would you be interested in finding out more about Accessible Romania and Sano Touring? Well, you’ve come to the right place. What can I initially say about Romania? Well, quite simply, it’s an A.M.A.Z.I.N.G country and well worthy of being on anyone’s top ten …

An Epic Accessible Tour of Romania – Days 1 & 2.

Disclaimer: all of the amazing photographs that you see in this blog were taken my travel buddy Kathryn Cooper – click on her name to visit her website. Thanks once again Kathryn! Romania far outweighed all of my expectations, from fascinating Gypsy villages and rolling hills and mountainous resorts, to spellbinding architecture and streets steeped in history – the birth country of Vlad the Impaler (A.K.A Dracula) really has it all! I was invited to …